Unlock Profits
with Analytics Automation

Profits are driven by informed decisions.
Don’t leave your underwriters in the dark.

Who We Work With:



Wholesale Brokers

Retail Brokers

Carriers • MGAs • Wholesale Brokers • Retail Brokers •

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Don’t just rely on catastrophe model output for UW decision making. Other business metrics can be built into our software to drive informed decisions. ​

  • Create unique views of risk for your distribution channels​

  • Tailored blending of catastrophe modeling results​

  • Incorporate Reinsurance Structures, AOP Losses, and Expense Loads​

Improve your risk selection at the location and portfolio level for new and renewal business.​

Quantify The Risk ​

Portfolio Management and Portfolio Reporting

Automate Catastrophe Underwriting Process​

Enhance your Underwriting procedures by automating your catastrophe modeling analysis​

  • Delegate authority to your team of underwriters ​

  • Run multiple models and analysis in parallel ​

  • Quickly assess multiple policy term scenarios instantly for the same risk​

​Save your cat modeling team from the simple repetitive tasks so they focus on more complex underwriting analytics requirements​

Expert Integration Partners​

Avoid excessive in-house developer costs with a ready-to-use solution deployed within weeks. Insight provides: ​

  • Hosting catastrophe models (e.g., AIR, RMS)​

  • Integrating directly with cloud native model solutions​

  • Link policy systems to risk analytics via API​

  • Enable brokers and underwriters to use the cat. models with our easy-to-use web or Excel-based tools​

Verisk Catastrophe Model Integration. RMS Catastrophe Model Integration



Catastrophe Model Integration

Insight Catastrophe Managers provides real-time detailed analytics of catastrophe-exposed properties for insurance companies, managing general agents, and residential and commercial property insurers. We set a new standard for property catastrophe risk underwriting analytics. Our objective is to improve your profitability.

Our software can automate many of the tasks that analysts perform manually, freeing up their time to focus on more complex work, allowing your operation to scale and increase profitability.

Contact us today to learn more!